Friday, July 29, 2011

An Interview with Brenna Daugherty, Legal Intern at Human Rights USA

Brenna Daugherty is a rising second year law student at the Washington College of Law at American University. She is exploring a variety of specialties within the legal field, but is hoping to pursue a career in human rights law after graduation.

What skills have helped you excel in your internship with Human Rights USA?
I try to look beyond just my initial assignment. I try to anticipate what also needs to be done later and any problems that may arise. In the end, that dedication and forethought provides a more streamlined, economic product.

What is one of your favorite moments from working with Human Rights USA this summer?
Hands down, it was getting the opportunity to meet one of our clients. My work has not been client based, and it can be easy in the middle of all the research to forget that the work is for someone, to make that person's life better. Getting to meet a person whom we've helped reminds me of why I wanted to get into law in the first place.

If you could leave any future interns with one piece of advice, what would it be?
I would say take advantage of every moment that you can. It's a small office and a very co-operative one. The doors are always open for questions, so ask them. Learn as much as you can from the people around you.

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